The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), enacted in 1977, aims to ensure that banks and financial institutions meet the credit needs of their entire community, including small farms, small businesses, and low-to moderate-income individuals. By fostering economic growth through responsible lending and business practices, the CRA benefits both financial institutions and the communities they serve.

We're making available for review online our CRA Public File which is required to be made available for public inspection under the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA). Below, you'll find each of the components of CBBC Bank's CRA Public File. All information is current as of 4/1/2024 and is updated annually. 

Performance Evaluation

A copy of the public section of the bank's most recent CRA performance evaluation prepared by the FDIC is available here. [PDF]

Retail Banking Products & Services Listing and Fees

A list of retail banking services generally offered at the bank's branches. [PDF]

A list of retail banking fees for the products and services offered at the bank's branches. [PDF]

Bank Information

A list of the bank's branches, their street address, hours of operation and census tracts. [PDF]
A list of branches opened by the bank for the past two years. [PDF]
A list of branches closed by the bank for the past two years. [PDF]

Comment Letters

Written comments received from the public related to the bank's performance in helping to meet community credit needs, and any responses. 
No public comments have been received in 2022, 2023, or 2024.

CRA Disclosure Statement Notice

This is not applicable to CBBC Bank. 

HMDA Disclosure Statement Notice

The Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) data is publicly available online for review. The data show geographic distribution of loans and applications; ethnicity, race, sex, age, and income of applicants and borrowers; and information about loan approvals and denials. HMDA data for many other financial institutions are also available online. For instructions on accessing the information, click on the PDF link. [PDF]


To request copies of any of CBBC Bank's Public File content listed above, please email